Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cardiothoracic surgeon.?

Thanks Brian and Db_hornblower. I live in the Uk, so I was enquring about what age it all starts, because in the uk we leave high school at 16. So does that mean one will qualify a couple of years earlier than those in the US?
Just out of curiousity, does a cardiolagist earn more than a GP? (in the Uk), and how much does a cardiothoracic surgeon earn?

GPS earn about 拢100,000. About 50% of medical students become GPs.
Starting salary for all hospital consultants, no matter what specialty is 拢72,000. Both cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery are extremely competitive and difficult specialties to get into.
Cardiothoracic surgery is a shrinking specialty as expertice in interventional cardiology advances. The reason that they are both competitive is that they can earn a lot from private practice.
As far as when you can start you can start the second you graduate from high school you can go to college it will take 4 years of pre med in college so that is where you start.
Then you will complete another 4 years of basic medicene at your local medical college. After that is complete you need to do an internship with a hospital which usually lasts between 3 years for a genral practice physcian and 7 years for a plastic surgeon to 10years for a brain surgeon.
The amount you make is based upon pretty much how long you are willing to be an intern. A gp would make roughly 200k a year where a brain surgeon would make closer to 600k a year every other doctor starting out falls in between those.
I don't know any details regarding starting age in the UK or the medical school programs there, sorry.
As for salary in the US, typically, cardiologist's earn more than the internist or family practice physician.

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