Saturday, October 31, 2009

Curious. can you overdose on all types of vitamins ?

Yes, but it's pretty hard to OD on the water-soluble ones (B complex and C), and not that easy with E among the fat-soluble ones. A and D are the only ones that have serious acute toxicities at doses not that much above normal.
W W D is correct, except that vitamin A is not toxic at "slightly above normal" intakes.
A handful of dried apricots (6) has about 5,400 units of vitamin A in the form of beta carotene. That's slightly above the "daily value". I eat up to six times that amount, somewhat regularly; and I am still here to tell about it.
I know your body knows how to handle an excess amount of vitamine C, it just passes right through you and is removed in urine. If you take an excess of vitamine C you might notice that your urine is a much brighter colour than usual.
There is no known toxicity for pantothenic acid(B5). Excess intake is excreted by the kidneys.No toxicity of excess biotin intake has been described.Excessive amounts of riboflavin (B2)are usually not absorbed due to the limited water-solubility and the inability of the human gastrointestinal tract to absorb toxic doses of the compound .No real syndrome of excess thiamine (B1)exists since the kidneys can rapidly clear almost all excess thiamine . Its half-life is 9.5 to 18.5 days. Everything else has a know side effect with overdose including vit C.
I have no idea about the lesser known so-called vitamins(laetrile ("vitamin B17," amygdalin), pangamic acid ("vitamin B15," diisopropylamine dichloroacetate), and gerovital ("vitamin H3")

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